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That includes chocolate producers, industrial chocolate manufacturers or bulk handlers of processed chocolate for bakeries, nutrition bar makers.

Coming from the old refiner conches, where all this happened simultaneously and was hard to control, the majority of later technologies perform the grinding step separately. Only few mill types are able to handle chocolate preparations, as it is initially a very sticky mass, which sevimli transform to a sticky powder during milling, when specific surface of particles increases. The most frequently used devices are plain roller mills (refiners) and stirred ball mills.

It is used in making chocolate with substances such kakım cocoa, oil, milk powder. Technicial Specifications

The Thouet dry conche from the Royal Duyvis Wiener group is used to lower the moisture content of the chocolate and with that improve the rheological properties. Also, undesierable flavor profiles hayat be removed and other flavor profiles emanet be created or accentuated.

Removal of water contained in raw materials, bey it would form undesired sticky layers on hygroscopic particles

For olağan operation, you’ll only need one worker to load product onto the grid and/or adjust the machine settings. We recommend having two workers available during changeover of the melt grid and removal of the stirrer.

The Refiner saf 2 product outlets – the lower part by screw conveyor and the upper part by pump (recirculation system). The machine is available in 3 models, which will allow all types of manufacturers to use the machine for different purposes.

Chocolate melangers consist of a drum, rotating stones and a granite grinding surface.  Think of an ancient Romen olive press, but driven by a motor rather than people or animals.

Quality materials: A chocolate refiner made with high-quality materials will last longer and require less maintenance. Look for machines made with durable gears and CE-certified motors.

Batch type mixing and grinding machine for thinning ingredients containing minimum Chocolate Melting Tank 30% fat. Chocolate refiner for natural oil or palm oil based chocolates, creams or tahini micronization. Depending of the adjusted refining process time final product yaşama reach 18 microns fineness.

After that the mass is liquefied by adding cocoa butter and then ground by circulation through a horizontal ball mill. The company claims maximum energy efficiency, hygienic design, ease of cleaning and recipe change.

As delivery is made to many countries with different electrical plug standards, the standard 220v product may not suit your standard outlet and there may be instances when you may have to have the plug replaced to suit your conditions.

Main differences of the chocolate melters from storage tanks are; flat bottom, thicker sheetmetal usage, bottom scrapping and more water capacity inside the jacket. Melters can be used bey storage tanks birli well, however storage tanks are only for liquid chocolate storage.

The revolutionary design delivers instant melting and continuous process supply to increase downstream production without large

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